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From the Hot Pan…into the Fire!

When finally we see ourselves emerging from one world crisis and in the process adapting to new situations, we have hardly had time to breath, before another man made crisis is thrown upon us. Instead of learning to deal with vaccinations, resuming global travel, improving our sustainability, dealing with global… Lees verder »From the Hot Pan…into the Fire!

How to measure sustainability?

The Sustainable Development Goals set the agenda for 2030, but little progress has been made. The number of them can seem overwhelming, but lack of action is no longer an option. Retailers and those in the supply are demanding evidence of action and measurement of progress. In the past these… Lees verder »How to measure sustainability?

Greenhouse project Tungsram

One of the most obvious directions in agriculture is to grow more and more in controlled environments like greenhouses. Everything comes together: technology and data can lead to completely controlled and very sustainable production environments for food. GTC+ is now involved in multiple greenhouse projects. One project particularly jumps out:… Lees verder »Greenhouse project Tungsram

Store or Use data?

Van jagers en verzamelaars, van koeien en knollen in tijden ver voor ons, naar de huidige tijd waarin we op jacht zijn naar de juiste informatie en we gigabytes aan het verzamelen en opslaan. De echte jagers en verzamelaars, die gebruikten alle onderdelen van de buit en niets werd weggegooid, dat… Lees verder »Store or Use data?

Crowdfunding Glowfarms

GTC+ is trots om Glowfarms te kunnen ondersteunen bij hun vertical- en orbital farming project. Glowfarms is een project gestart om 2x langer houdbare kruiden te kweken.  Dit kan door een unieke manier van telen waardoor geen pesticiden gebruikt hoeven te worden en de kruiden niet gewassen hoeven te worden.… Lees verder »Crowdfunding Glowfarms