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Moniek van de Put

Als voormalig directeur van J. van de Put Fresh Cargo Handling heeft Moniek meer dan 25 jaar ervaring met logistieke afhandeling van verse goederen.

She has extensive experience in creating and improving logistics processes, especially in the field of air freight. This makes Moniek an anchor point for her clients. She knows the obstacles faced by entrepreneurs in the green sector and has made it her mission to provide insight into opportunities for entrepreneurs. 

With a good dose of empathy, the ability to see the bigger picture and a pragmatic attitude, Moniek looks beyond financial results. Her clients also benefit from her ability to structure chaos and streamline processes, taking into account key factors such as job and employee satisfaction.

Nice to meet you.

Moniek’s mobiele telefoon nummer: ‭+31 6 53 41 61 60‬
Moniek’s email-adres: